I had previously blogged about virtualbox, which replaced vmware on my desktop.
The new version 1.5.0 was released yesterday, and the Changelog has some nice entries, like virtual serial ports, …
A new feature I love is “seamless windows” (vmware and parallels had this on Mac, now we have that on linux 🙂 ): that means windows programs in their windows on your desktop (and not anymore in a big “windows desktop” window)
Another great “new” feature is shared folders support: this was in 1.4.0, but not in the GPL edition… Here it is in 1.5.0, and working great: all the shared folders you set up appear (and appear quickly) in your “network neighborhood”.
There is also an option now to activate/deactivate VT-x/AMD-V support, but they say it’s slower than their own implementation. I’ll have to test that on minesweeper 😉
ps: and of course it’s available in Gentoo portage